What happens when the Earth raises an invoice?

- 13:15 pm
Sun 3rd March 2024
How are ecology and empathy changing economics? In this call-to-action, Mark Hutchinson is inviting us all to encourage the raising of invoices on behalf of our Earth.

Hear the story of how world economics is changed almost overnight when we raise invoices on behalf of our Earth.  With insight into the deep connectedness of all on this planet, ecology and empathy re-emerge as core elements of what it is to be human as individuals and collectively in the world. It’s not a story for dreamers, it’s a story to wake up to.

Mark offers this talk as leader of Wheel of the Year Earth Spirit gatherings as a Unitarian minister, as owner of a niche recycling business reusing industrial packaging and as a lifetime sceptic of the economics of the individual that has driven the direction of world development towards the brink of the precipice.

Suitable for: 12 years and up
Headshot photo of Mark Hutchinson
Mark Hutchinson

Malvern St James Girls’ School

15 Avenue Road
Great Malvern
WR14 3BA

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